Here are some links you may find useful. If you have a website that should be on this list, contact the webmaster at the email address at the bottom of this page.
Commercial advertising is not permitted on this website; however, commercial documents deemed to be in the public interest will be included or cited.
ARRL SE Division:
Disaster Preparedness:
Family Communication During Natural Disasters
The following article was submitted by Kin Boyd as part of her work on first aid and personal safety with the 4-H.
Guides for Emergency Preparedness and First Aid
The following guides were suggested by Sarah Neale who is working on her first aid badge in Brownies:
Links to individual County Services:
Clay County Amateur Radio Emergency Service:
Madison County Amateur Radio Emergency Services:
Storm Spotter Information:
Email from Amanda and Liam Graziade. Liam is a Boy Scout working on his Amateur Radio merit badge. We wish him great success with his merit badge.
My son Liam and I wanted to thank you for your page . He’s working towards earning his Amateur Radio merit badge, which has gotten him very interested in both ham radio and storm spotting and amateur radio. We came across your page and he said he found some of your resources helpful.
Liam noticed your page didn’t have a guide he liked: “Become A Storm Spotter From Home” at . We’ve learned how much ham radio and storm spotting go hand-in-hand, so he had the cool idea to share it with you so it can help others. A prime example of living by the Boy Scout Oath, “to help other people at all times.” If you could just let me know if you add it so I can show him?
Thanks again and 73,
Amanda and Liam
Protecting Your Home Against High Winds
To suggest a link for this page, contact the webmaster at the email address below.