
The Section Traffic Manager for the Northern Florida Section is Tom Housworth KI0JO.   Monthly, Tom collects the activity reports from the Northern Florida ARES Net (NFAN), the Statewide Amateur Radio Network (SARnet), and data for the Public Service Honor Roll (PSHR) for ARRL.  Here are the Northern Florida STM Reports.  The Assistant Section Traffic Manager is Don Duckett N9MN.

Net managers are encouraged to update their net information to keep their listing current.  To update net information, send a email to the webmaster at the email address at the bottom of this page.

ares_clNorthern Florida ARES Net (NFAN):

9:00 AM Eastern time Monday through Saturday 3.950 MHz, alternate frequencies are 7.242 MHz and 7.247 MHz, Net Manager is Mac Ardle W4NFG in Port St Joe, FL.

NOTICE (May 29, 2015):  Due to poor propagation on 75 meters, the NFARES Net is moved to 7.242 MHz primary with 3.950 MHz as secondary operating frequencies until conditions change.


•  Northern Florida ARES Net – The Net Preamble.

Ham-radio-operator PNG

Northern Florida Phone Net (NFPN):

Daily at 7:30 PM Eastern time on 3.950 MHz; alternate frequencies are 7.242 MHz and 7.247 MHz.

The following NFPN files are from Dave Barton N4QB

NFPN-Preamble-NCS-Duty 10-01-19 in .PDF format

NFPN-Preamble-NCS-Duty 10-01-19 in Word .doc format

NFPN October 2019 Roster in Excel .xls format

NFPN October 2019 Roster  in .PDF format

NFPN September 2019 Report in Excel .xls format

NFPN September 2019 Report in .PDF format


Ham-radio-operator PNGFlorida Phone Traffic Net (FPTN):

Daily at 7:00 a.m.  on 3.940 MHz.  Net Manager is Helen Straughn WC4FSU in Ormond Beach.  The FPTN is a combined-section net that maintains daily liaison with the National Trafic System, handles formal written traffic and trains for emergencies.  Email [email protected].  Website at

Tropical Florida Sideband Traffic Net

Daily at 6:00 p.m. on 3.942 MHz.

Net Manager is Ed Johnson W2PH.  Email [email protected].

FHN logo PNGFlorida State-Wide Hurricane Net (FHN)

The FHN was deactivated on 01/01/2018.  Re-activation will occur when a statewide major emergency can be assisted with routine or humanitarian communications.  See for current net information.

FHN is a seasonal net from May 1st to the end of the hurricane season in November.  The net meets Monday at 9:00 PM local time. Brevard County will use the Brevard D-Star repeater KJ4OXT Port C located in Cocoa, Florida on 147.045 MHz + offset linked to REF037C. All participating repeaters should connect directly to REF037C. Dongle and DV AP users may access the net connecting directly to REF037C.  The Purpose of the net is to provide training and information to D-Star operators and to check connectivity for REF037C and the CFL Ratflector. The net manager is Bob Jones N6USP [email protected].  For more information visit the Florida Hurricane Net website.

The Hurricane Net functions are (1) Send out notice of pending Tropical Storm, Hurricane, or a Major Emergency that is State-wide, and (2) Provide training to those interested and information to D-Star operators.

computer 1North Florida Digital Net

Sunday at 7:00 p.m. local time, 3.590 MHz USB, PSK31.  Net control is Don Pace KK4SIH.

Central Florida CERT Net

Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. on 146.760 MHz, pl tone 103.5 Hz.  The backup frequency is 146.600 MHz simplex.

Alachua County ARES Net

The Alachua County ARES Net meets every Thursday at 8:00 p.m. on 146.820 (-), pl tone 123.0 Hz.  For more information, contact Jeff Capehart W4UFL. Emergency Coordinator, Alachua ARES, email [email protected].

ares_clClay County ARES Net

The Clay County ARES Net meets every Sunday at 7:30 p.m. local time on 146.925 MHz, pl tone 156.7 Hz. This is the “Sleepy Hollow Repeater” located near Fleming Island, Florida.  All Amateurs are welcome to join the net.  For more information, contact Scott Roberts KK4ECR at [email protected].

trainging-smallCrestview Gulf Coast VHF Training Net (GCVTN)

Daily at 8:00 p.m. on 147.360 (+) MHz, pl 100 Hz.

sarnetCrestview SARNet

Friday at 9:00 a.m. on statewide UHF net via linked repeaters on 444.900 (+) MHz, pl 100 Hz.

ares_clCrown District ARES Net

First Wednesday monthly at 8:30 p.m. on 146.925 MHz, pl 156.7 Hz.

Walton County ARCDuFuniak Springs Walton County ARC Net

Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 7:30 p.m. on 147.285 (+) MHz, pl 100 Hz.

ares_clDuval County ARES Net

Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. on 146.700 MHz, pl 127.3 Hz; alternate 147.315 MHz, pl 127.3 Hz.

sarnetDuval County EOC SARnet

Friday at 9:00 a.m. on 444.900 (+) MHz, pl 100 Hz.  All amateurs welcome.  This net serves the following cities: Bluewater, Bay, Chochtaw Beach, Crestview, Fort Walton Beach, Mary Esther, Navarre, Niceville, Seminole, Shalimar, Valparaiso.

ares_clFlagler County ARES Net

Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. alternating weekly between 146.745 (-), pl 123 Hz and the 147.075 (+), pl 123 Hz.  The net manager is Howard Pepper AC4FS.

PARCFort Walton Beach – Playground ARC Net

Sunday at 8:00 p.m. on 146.790 (-), pl 100 Hz.  This is an informal swap net.  Sell your used equipment or just meet with friends.  See for more information.

[N4FRC]  Friendship ARC

                                    Monday at 4:00 p.m. on 146.610 MHz, pl 123.

Gilchrist County ARES Net

Thursday at 7:15 p.m. on 147.390 + MHz, pl 123, on the Chiefland repeater.

Also, Thursday at 7:30 p.m. on 147.285 + MHz, pl 123 on the Bell repeater.  Information from John Greiner KJ4YPZ, ARRL EC, Gilchrist County FL ARES, CERT.

K4HOG/Hog County Amateur Radio Association Net

Monday at 8:00 p.m. local time on 145.490 MHz, pl tone 123.0 Hz in Bushnell, Sumter County.
Friday at 8:30 p.m. local time on 146.925 MHz (-), pl 123.0 Hz, “Friday Free For All Net”. Website at

Holmes CountyHolmes County Ham Club Net

Sunday at 8:30 p.m. local time on 145.110 (+) MHz, no pl tone.  If the repeater is down, call on 145.110 MHz simplex.

Hurricane Watch NetHurricane Watch Net (

When activated, the net operates on 14.325 MHz and 7.268 MHz.  Check the website for the current status of operation.  Bobby Graves KB5HAV, Net Manager.

Jefferson County ARES Net

Monday at 8:00 p.m. on the WX4JEF repeater 145.430- MHz, pl 94.8 Hz.  Monthly meetings on second Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m. at the Jefferson E.O.C. office on US 19 S. of Monticello under the blue water tank.  To receive text alerts from Jefferson County A.R.E.S., from your smart phone text ‘jeffares’ to 84483. No quote marks.  From Andrew Rudd KM4TTS, Assistant Emergency Coordinator Jefferson Co. , Fl.

 Lake County/LARA ARES Net

Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 7:00 p.m. on 147.255+ MHz, pl 103.5 Hz.  Backup frequency is 147.390+ MHz, pl 103.5 Hz.

ares_clMadison County ARES and Madison County ARC Net

Sunday at 9:00 p.m. local time on 145.190, pl 123.0 Hz.  Madison County ARES and Madison County Amateur Radio Club conduct a weekly net. Check-ins and regular business followed by roll calls on other designated repeaters and simplex.

Milton ARCMilton ARC 2-Meter Monday Night Net

Monday at 8:00 p.m. on 145.490 MHz, pl 100 Hz.  This is the MARC repeater.

ares_clNassau County ARES Net

Thursday at 7:30 p.m. on 147.000 (-) MHz, pl 127.3 Hz.

cqdxNorthwest Florida DX Net

Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. on 147.555 (simplex).

ares_clOkaloosa County ARES Net

Monday at 7:30 p.m. using the linked WIRES-X system in FM (not digital).  Frequencies are 442.950 MHz (DCS023) in Crestview for the north end of the county and 444.800 MHz (100Hz) on Eglin AFB for the south end of the county.  Information provided by Stephen Strom N4GXX, Okaloosa EC.

Orange County ARESOrange County ARES Net and SkyWarn

Effective immediately the 443.050 MHz repeater will be used for the 7:00 p.m. Thursday night Orange County ARES net and Skywarn activation.  This is a change from the 146.730 MHz repeater used in the past. John Knott N4JTK EC, Orange County ARES.

Panama City ARC logoPanama City Amateur Radio Club Net

Monday at 7:00 p.m. local time on 145.210 (-) MHz, pl 100 Hz.

ares_clPensacola Escambia County ARES Net

Monday at 7:30 p.m. on 146.760, pl 100 Hz.

QCWA oldman PNGQCWA Citrus Chapter #45 Net

QCWA Citrus Chapter 45 operates its state of the art repeater, W4PLA, on 147.195 MHz and conducts a net every Tuesday evening at 7:30 p.m. local time.  Also we now offer an Echo link connection every Tuesday. The link is “W2AS-L” and the node # is 627152. If you are a QCWA member (any chapter!) feel free to join us!

QCWA Suwannee Chapter #62 Net

Saturday at 9:00 a.m. on 3.940 MHz.

QCWA oldman PNG

QCWA The Villages Chapter #217 Net

Friday at 10:00 a.m on 443.150 MHz, pl 103.5 Hz and Echolink K4LFK-R.

nts-cl-high by VA3DGNQFN CW Traffic Net

The QFN CW Traffic Net meets daily on 3.547 MHz (Primary) or 7.105 MHz (Secondary) at 7:00 p.m. Eastern time.  Ben Brubeck KZ8Q is the Net Manager.

R.A.C.E.S. Emergency Net

Wednesday at 8:30 p.m. Central time on 145.120 D-STAR Digital Only.

Contact T H Merritt KL5YJ at [email protected].

Rural Radio Preparedness Association

Thursday at 7:30 p.m. Central time on 146.970 (-) MHz, pl 103.5 Hz (Brewton, Jay), linked with 444.775 (+) MHz, pl 103.5 Hz. (Century, Atmore).  Contact [email protected] or T H Merritt KL5YJ at [email protected].

ares_clSt. Johns County ARES Training Net

Wednesday at 8:00 p.m. on 145.210 MHz, pl 127.3 Hz; alternate 147.015 MHz, pl 127.3 Hz.

Effective April 2, 2018, the St. Johns County ARES Training Net will take place on Mondays at 7:00 p.m. instead of on Wednesdays at 8:00 p.m.  Per Mike Jordan WE4MJ, EC, St. Johns County ARES.

ares_clSanta Rosa County ARES Net

Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. on 146.700 (-), pl 100 Hz.

ares_clSeminole County ARES Net

Monday at 8:00 p.m.  The first Monday of each month on 146.460 MHz simplex.  Each following Monday of the month on 147.090 (+) MHz, pl 103.5 Hz.

Old_Time_MicrophoneSeminole VHF Traffic Net

Effective December 22, 2017 the Seminole VHF Traffic Net meets daily at 7:15 p.m. on 147.285 MHz (+), pl 107.2 Hz.  On the first Monday of each month, the SVTN meets on 147.555 MHz simplex. On the first Thursday of the month, the SVTN meets only under emergency conditions.  The purpose of this net is to handle formal written traffic into, out of, and within Seminole county and the surrounding area.

The SVTN is an official net of the National Traffic System and maintains liaisons with other recognized traffic nets.  Net Manager is Andy Gausz KG4QCD.

Silver Springs Radio Club (SSRC)


Monday at 7:30 p.m. on 146.610 MHz, pl 123.

Ocala Ten Meter Net

Monday at 8:00 p.m. on 28.453 MHz SSB.  All are welcome.

SSRC Skywarn/ARES Net

Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. on 146.610 MHz, pl 123.


Thursday at 7:30 p.m. on 146.790 MHz D-Star reflector 46C.

Sumter County EmComm – Emergency Communications Informal Net

Monday at 8:30 p.m. local time on 146.925 MHz, pl 123.0.  This is now a Yaesu Fusion Repeater and the PL: 123.0 Hz needs to be placed both as the Encode and Decode or when someone is talking on the digital side, all the analog / FM people will hear is squelch.  This Net is hosted by the Sumter County RACES however open to all amateurs, no one has to be a member of RACES, ARES or SkyWarn to participate.  Info from Gene King KI4LEH.

Sumter County Skywarn – Weather Watchers Net

Sunday at 8:30 p.m. local time on 147.030 MHz, pl 123.0 Hz.  This repeater is the KJ4AN repeater located in Summerfield, FL and has a really good foot print, we have participants from Sumter, Marion, Lake, Citrus, Hernando, Seminole, and at times Levy counties.  Info from Gene King KI4LEH.

sarclogo150Suwannee ARES/Emergency Preparedness Net

The Suwannee ARES/Emergency Preparedness Net is conducted by the Suwannee Amateur Radio Club (SARC) on Thursday at 8:30 p.m. local time with check ins on the Live Oak 145.410 MHz, pl 100.0 Hz repeater. For more information see

ares_clSKYWARNSuwannee Valley – ARES/Skywarn Net

Thursday at 7:45 p.m. on 146.940 MHz, pl 123.0 Hz on the WA4ZFQ repeater.  Alternate is the WB4VFT (CARS) repeater on 145.490 MHz, no pl.  Simplex 146.420 MHz for Columbia, Gilcrest and Union counties.  Simplex 146.550 MHz for Suwannee, Madison, and Hamilton counties.

TARS News and Information Net (Tallahassee, FL)

Thursday at 8:00 p.m. on 147.030 (+), pl 94.8 Hz on the K4TLH repeater.  Information provided by Jason Ford W4JMF, Public Information Officer, Tallahassee Amateur Radio Society., email [email protected].

TVARC 2The Villages Amateur Radio Club (TVARC) Ragchew Net

Monday at 7:00 p.m. on 443.225 MHz, pl 103.5 Hz and Echolink K4VRC-R.

Traders NetThe Traders Net

The Traders Net meets every Sunday morning at 8:00 a.m. on 3.933 MHz.  Please join us for equipment and friendship!  Carl Zelich AA4MI.

Valparaiso FLNiceville FLTwin Cities ARC Sunday Night Net (Niceville, Valparaiso)

Sunday at 8:30 p.m. on 146.730 (-) MHz, no pl tone.

If the repeater is off the air, go to 147.120 (+) MHz, pl 100.0 Hz.

ares_clVolusia County ARES Net

Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. on 147.240 (+) MHz, pl 123.0 Hz.  Karl Martin KG4HBN, Emergency Coordinator, Volusia ARES, email [email protected].

nts-cl-high by VA3DGNVolusia County Traffic Net

Daily at 6:30 p.m. on 147.150 (+) MHz, pl 127.3 Hz.  Alternate frequency 145.330 (-) MHz, pl 127.3 Hz.  Net manager Dennis Burgoyne WD3B.  Email is [email protected].

ares_clWalton County ARES Net

Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 7:30 p.m. on 147.285 (+) MHz, pl 100.0 Hz.  This repeater is up high at the Walton County EOC tower for excellent coverage inland to Gulf and all hams in adjacent counties are welcome to check in.  Doug Ritchie KF5BCX, Walton County ARES PIO.

To add or correct net information on this page, contact the webmaster at the email address below.

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