After discussing this with Section and county emergency coordinators, I have decided to postpone tomorrow’s SET for another date later this year.
Why I came to this decision.
I am poring over weather data from NWS, NHC and EMA sources. Early this morning, they all expected 50 mph winds at landfall as of the 2 pm adviser that has been updated to 60 mph winds at landfall. Counties frequently stop sending out first responders at 40 mph and 45 mph winds for there safety.
In a real deployment, most operators would erect their antenna before or after a system passed. Hurrican Bunnell is a simulated emergency, and I feel having people out during Tropical Storm Nestor is a safety risk for all operators.
A good ping was brought up during the discussions. We will be sending simulated emergency traffic. Everyone one would be adding this is an exercise before and after every transmission. If any communications are taken out of context by news media or anyone listing on a scanner, it could cause a panic. If this caused widespread panic, it would not look positive on amateur radio or emergency communications as a whole.
Because of this, we will postpone Hurricane Bunnell Exercise for another Saturday. We will look at the middle of November, depending on activities going on for events and the holidays.
The section will be monitoring during Tropical Storm Nestor. Everyone, please be safe.
Karl Martin K4HBN
ARES Amateur Radio Emergency Service
Section Emergency Coordinator
North Florida Section